Thursday, August 1, 2013


Tomorrow we begin our journey to Zambia, to the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch.  I am nervous and excited as I know Maureen and Michael are too.  Pray for us to remember the important and not to worry about the unimportant - the most important are the relationships - the people- living and working in Zambia!  I do feel like I am carrying blessings from my students at school, who donated art supplies (thank you N&K!), from my shopping friend Amy, who is sending blessings to Lynn.  As a matter of fact some of the blessings are filling our suitcases, but I keep remembering the blessings that are sent from the hearts of our church, our friends and family - Thank you!!  I can't wait to share your hugs and smiles!!

I am including our travel itinerary so that you can follow in your hearts and in your prayers!!
We covet your prayers!

Maureen, Angela and Michael’s Travel Itinerary

August 2              Depart Lexington from Bluegrass Airport 1:00 p.m.   Arrive in Detroit  Depart Detroit

August 3              Arrive in Amsterdam.   Depart Amsterdam   Arrive in Lusaka, Zambia

August 4              Celebrate the Lord’s Sunday!!

August 5 – 9       Serve, encourage, visit at the CURE Hospital in Lusaka Zambia

August 10            Lynn  meets us in Lusaka,

August 11            Travel with Lynn to McBride’s Camp in the Kafue National Park

August 12            Explore the African Bush

August 13            Travel to Mukinge and stay with Lynn

August 17            Depart Mukinge with Flying Mission Zambia    Depart Lusaka

August 18            Arrive in Amsterdam   Depart Amsterdam   Arrive in Atlanta.
                                Depart Atlanta  Arrive Lexington in the evening

Maureen also has a blog:


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